Hi, I am Marian, Welcome to my advertisment!
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Shemale Escort in zone Sur (GBA), Florencio Varela.

Hello. I want to meet you, so we can enjoy good sex without prejudice. I have a thick cock, very milky! I am sweet, soft and very good treatment. Only suitable for assets and liabilities well delivered and very sweet! I wait for you...

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I am located in:
Florencio Varela, zone Sur (GBA), Argentina
Outcalls Only
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On Sunday available Full Time

Personal Information of Marian

68,90 in.
35,43 in. - 25,59 in. - 35,43 in.
Preferred role
Versatile (preferably Top)
7.9 in. x 2.0 in.


 This website is not an ESCORT AGENCY. It has no participation, profit, royalties, prizes or any other form of economic compensation for the hypothetical agreements that a professional escort or masseuse has or could have privately. This website does not have any economic, contractual or work relationship with the escorts and/or masseuses. Nor is it aware of the meetings that the advertisers could hold. This website does not know, cannot know, nor is interested in knowing if any escort or masseuse has an appointment or does not have it. It is not our intention to participate in your affairs.

Pictures of Marian

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Photo #1 of Marian
Photo 1
Photo #2 of Marian
Photo 2
Photo #3 of Marian
Photo 3
Photo #4 of Marian
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Photo #5 of Marian
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Photo #6 of Marian
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Photo #7 of Marian
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Photo #8 of Marian
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Photo #9 of Marian
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Photo #10 of Marian
Photo 10
Photo #11 of Marian
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Photo #12 of Marian
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Photo #13 of Marian
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Photo #14 of Marian
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Photo #15 of Marian
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Photo #16 of Marian
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Photo #17 of Marian
Photo 17
Photo #18 of Marian
Photo 18
Photo #19 of Marian
Photo 19
Photo #20 of Marian
Photo 20
Photo #21 of Marian
Photo 21

Videos of Marian

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Personal Description of Marian

I am versatile and I offer to you a full and super pleasant service with kisses, caresses, pampering. I fulfill kinky and fantasies... I love to enjoy sex in all its forms...
I want to meet you, so we can enjoy a good time together, without prejudice or trouble.
Exclusive attention to men. I await your call... Kisses !!!

 Important items
 I offer my services to...


Men couples

I make hot video calls and I provide LIVE webcam service, contact me...

Outcalls Only

Do not accept private calls

 This website is not an ESCORT AGENCY. It has no participation, profit, royalties, prizes or any other form of economic compensation for the hypothetical agreements that a professional escort or masseuse has or could have privately. This website does not have any economic, contractual or work relationship with the escorts and/or masseuses. Nor is it aware of the meetings that the advertisers could hold. This website does not know, cannot know, nor is interested in knowing if any escort or masseuse has an appointment or does not have it. It is not our intention to participate in your affairs.

Comments for Marian 46
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Sent by somelier_de_tv Registered User

luciano79, deja algun contacto y buscamos algo. Lastima que acá no se pueden mandar msj privados entre usuarios.

Sent by somelier_de_tv Registered User

hola, Luciano. No hace Tríos. Me explicó y lo respeto.

Sent by luciano79 Registered User

habla con ella somelier_de_tv asi arreglamos pasame un contacto asi hablamos

Sent by luciano79 Registered User

somelier_de_tv como hacemos para arreglar con Marian

Sent by somelier_de_tv Registered User

Hola Luciano79 Yo me prendo tambien. Que me haga lo que quiera

Sent by luciano79 Registered User

averigua como hacemos vamos

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Unregistered User


Sent by luciano79 Registered User

alguien se prende para ir a chuparle el culo y la pija de a dos ? (sin experiencia, algo tranqui)

Sent by Ezeb Registered User

Realmente me encantó conocerla. Fue solo y super activa. Una verga divina x dond la mires, intragable para mí boca, pero me encanto sentirla toda en la cola. La próxima voy x tu lechita bien adentro para sentirla calentita 😘😘hermosaa

Sent by Super Registered User

Cuando el orto dilato y la pija entra masomenos sin dolor, entra masomenos unos 3/4 del total.
En ese momento, después de haberte pegado dos o tres pijasos de la nada y por sorpresa entierra el 1/4 de pija que le faltaba. Y ahí ves las estrellas, agradeces a la vida por tener una pija así al alcance de tus tripas.
Luego de eso suele desenterrar un toque la pija para que no sea tan shoqueante (ella sabe) y te sigue bombeando a 3/4 para que descanses... Pero cuando vio que ya estas acostumbrado tira estocadas profundas (y furiosas) al 100% unas cinco veces... te desfalleces, se te revuelve toda la pancita porque es larga y la saca toda y la entierta toda de unamientras te da besos de lengua bien profundos...
Ella es re buena, re amorosa, re dominante. La amo, y mi orto y mi boca también.
Muy rica la leche.

Sent by
Unregistered User

Acabo de ir a verla, cono siempre una diosa, me espero con un vestido, entre y le pedí que ne coja y me de ma lechita, primero me pudo la pija en la boca y se la chupe con todas más ganas, terrible pija! Enorme, después de cojerme la boca, me puso de costado y después de poner lubricante me empezó a cojer, lo más rico, me puso en 4, después aparas am hombro, y de último de pie (yo de espalda apoyado contra una silla), se la seguí chupando hasta que me lleno de leche la boca y la cara, mucha leche, y muy pero muy rica!!!!!, la mejor, después metió 4 dedos en la cola para ayudarme a acabar, la próxima le pido el puño!, se la chupe un rato más mientras y me fui, la mejor, muy pero muy recomendable, amo su leche y su pija!!!!

Sent by Nacho307701 Registered User

Hola hermosa me encanta tu Pija y con mi amiga queríamos saber si atiendes a parejas y me gustaría que me recojas bien la Cola

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Unregistered User

Sinceramente cogimos una hora aprox, tiene una pija increíble, se le pone súper dura, me hizo acabar sin tocarme y no es la primera vez, nos matamos a besos siempre

Sent by
Unregistered User

Cuando vaya a verte quiero que me ates las manos y los pies en la cama y me rompas bien el culo y me hagas gritar como una puta, tu pija 😋 es hermosa me entrego todo, soy tuyo 😘

Sent by
Unregistered User

😘 😘 😘Porfaaaaaa venite a capital es muy lejos Quilmes jajaja jajaja jajaja jajaja jajaja jajaja no paro de mamarte esa pija hermosa 😘

Sent by
Unregistered User

Estuve esta mañana, me cogio muy rico, tiene una pija enorme y muy rica, se ma chupe un buen rato, me ente arriba de ella y cabalgue, es la mejor, me fascina su pija

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Ana y jose
Unregistered User

Puedo ir con mi esposo y nos cojes a los dos.

Sent by
Unregistered User

Soy de Quilmes y veo que acabas sin tocarte, quiero conocerte Be$o$ mil

Sent by
Unregistered User

Por donde estas en Quilmes me gustaria conocerte be$o$

Sent by
Unregistered User

Que verga que delicia

Sent by
Unregistered User

que garrote mami

Sent by
Unregistered User

que pija hermosa tienes mami me fascina, me enloquece, me gusta bien grande ,quiero que seas la dueña de mi cola, haceme tu puta, vos sabes como hacerlo , pronto te llamaré para que hagas realidad todas mis fantasías, besos mi amor

Sent by
Unregistered User

Marian q hermosa porongona, como me gustaría q me cogieras mi culo hermoso!

Sent by
Unregistered User

Tiene una pija terrible Ami no me entró toda pero en la boca si me entró

Sent by
Unregistered User

Estuve hace un mes,me tiró a la cama me puso de costadito y me empezó apoyar ese terrible caño le pedí a me chupara el culo me puso en 4 y me lo chupó todo luego me piso lubricante y de costado me la empezó a meter me metió media pija y me dolía y de a poco me la siguio metiendo como me hacía gozar.... Luego le pedí en 4 y ahí me la metió hasta los huevos así me tuvo un rato hasta q me puso patas al hombro me la metio toda gozaba como perra mientras le chupaba las tetas me seguía dando así como media hora me puse en 4 y me seguía cojiendo y igual me dolía a pesar q ya había dilatado impresionante pija le tuve q pedir q pare y se la metí en la boca me la chupo hasta yo acabar y ella también ,,,,una delicia de hembra espero te acuerdes de mí te encanta mí cola me lo dijiste unas cuantas veces hermosa....la recomiendo para el q quieras sentir como le abren bien el orto va de diez

Sent by
Unregistered User

adoro tu PIJOTASA, quiero comértela aunque ne ahogue...

mi culo no te la puede aguantar, así que quiero sacatrte acabotasos con mi boca...

Sent by
Unregistered User

30 años de trubuquero y puedo decirque es la mejor ... trato de 10 .pija enorrrrme super activa y es una mina smuy agradable .no te queres ir de lo copada q es no pierdan tiempo y vallan a visitarla

Sent by
Unregistered User

Lindos videos lastima que no se te ve la cara mientras te lo cojes

Sent by
Unregistered User

Diosa del infierno,frotarme contra tu cuerpote de Macha, que me apretes a lo bestia mientras bajo para comerte esa pija de caballo hasta sacarte acabotes que me llenen la boca!
Adoro esa carnuda pija blanca y dura como una estaca, yo no te la voy a poder aguantar pero te la mamo y te la muerdo hasta vaciarte esos tremendos huevotes llenos de lechota...

Sent by
Unregistered User

Tremenda Pija !! Me encantó no pensé que me iba a entrar ese pedazo hermoso,pero me la comí toda,me fasino la recomiendo

Sent by
Unregistered User

Seguí poniendo videos como los últimos y te aseguro que vas a conseguir muchos más clientes bb

Sent by
Unregistered User

Tuve el placer de conocerla hace unos años, cuando llegué le dije que quería ser solo pasivo, hablamos un poco, me hizo sentir muy cómodo, después se saco los pantalones y se la empecé a chupar, la pija es la más enorme y rica que probé, es lo que se ve en sus fotos y videos, me hizo que se la chupara un rato, después me lubrico bien la cola y me la empezó a meter, nunca me cojieron igual, me sentí muy feliz, después en un momento me dijo que iba a acabar y le pedí que me acabe en la boca, fue la leche más rica que probé en mi vida, sin contar que acabo mucho, después la pija le seguía dura, y me pidió que la coja un poco a ella, la mejor experiencia de mi vida, me encantaria poder ir ya a que me penetre, es una diosa del sexo.

Sent by
Unregistered User

La pija mas rica que probé y al que le guste tomar leche la recomiendo muy rica

Sent by
Unregistered User

Marian es la tb de cabecera. Buena chota buena leche la mejor onda. Para los que buscan algo bueno por zona sur. La recomiendo para que les haga el service y queden bien satisfechos.

Sent by
Unregistered User

Hola Marian sos hermosa me encantaría conocerte para pasarla bien , estás Serca de la estación de Quilmes?

Sent by
Unregistered User

Quiero ser tu esclavo gratis. Haceme lo que quieras

Sent by
Unregistered User

Hola Marian dos hermosa me encantaría entregarme por completo a vos y que me cojas en todas las posiciones que quieras amor

Sent by
Unregistered User

Hace unos años la visité, hermosa, es 100% real esa pija, y esta llena de leche, me cogio y me dejo abierto el culo por tres días, fue hermoso, te hace querer más y más, me lleno de lechita la boca, (tenía mucha y muy Rica) después me hizo acabar con un oral y un consolador en el culo! Fue lo mejor

Sent by
Unregistered User

Tiene una pija tremenda y te trata. Cómo un bb la trans más perra con las que estuve

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el Putasote
Unregistered User

Marian, sos la Machota que esperé durante años, quiero verte desnudarte de a poco y que salte esa hermosa pijota blanca y carnosa y ver tu cuerpote desnudo de bestia pijuda para mamarte ese pedazote aunque me atragante y sacarte un acabote de caballo antes de que me montés y me inmoles llenándome de tu tronco, aunque me hagás aullar!
Sos la Bestia que siempre busqué, ahora te encontré y vas a ser mi Amantota Poronguda!

Sent by
Unregistered User

¡Que pija que tenes bombon! Con razón sos preferentemente Activa.

Sent by
Unregistered User

Diosa del infiernooooo sos una Hembrota Con Pija! tu video me sacó tres pajas al hilo, cuando tu Hermosa Pijota casi se me metio en la bocaaaa te la quiero lamer morder chupar y TRAGAAAAR dame tus acabadas, Bestia Hermosa!

Sent by
Unregistered User

Hola Marian te felicito sos muy bonita , pronto te voy a visitar te voy a llenar de mimos y caricias este domingo te visito y te lleno de besos y caricias

Sent by
Unregistered User

Estuve con esta hermosa un par de veces fui siempre pasivo
Tiene pija hermosa grande y lo mejor de todo
Es que cuando se viene igual se le queda la pija dura y te sigue cojiendo sin problema hasta que te venis
Le encanta los besos y cariños la calienta muchísimo
Me encanta pronto ojalá la vuelvo a ver
Es muy tranquila y tiene muy buen trato
Besos l.i.n te extraño siempre:)

Sent by
Unregistered User

Marian qué pijón hermoso!!!! x dios espero animarme e ir a visitarte! para que me penetres!

Sent by
Unregistered User

Hola. queria saber si estas cerca de Estacion

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Mailen Vip
Hello Loves, if you came this far, do not hesitate to contact me.. I am 100% real, just like in the photos. My service is full, like a girlfriend💕 I serve in my super discreet and comfortable apartment so that we can have a wonderful time together. I wait for your message😍.
+99 pictures 66 videos I am back!
Capital Federal, zone Microcentro, Argentina
Available Full Time
Several payments methods
Hello beautiful baby♥️. I am a very sexy and fine transsexual girl who can please your sexual and sensual desires, I am very affectionate, girlfriend style, very educated and friendly. My service is vaginal and oral, I am an excellence in body and skin, totally feminine. To come to my apartment you have to let me know 30 minutes in advance with total discretion. I'll wait for you baby 💕💕💕💕.
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Capital Federal, zone Chacarita, Argentina
Available from 15 to 23 hs.
Several payments methods
Valeria Encantadora
Hello. I am a fine brunette, educated for demanding men and an expert in beginners. Physically I am like my photos that are real and current without deception. Willing to please you in all kinds of whims. Fantasies, fetishes and satisfy all sexual needs. I am a vicious brunette of dominant sex. Completely to your liking. Kisses, caresses, morbidity, oral sex, penetration. Erotic, relaxing, decontracting, muscular, spinal, full body massages. Come love, confirm yourself and surely more than what you see in a simple photo. Located in an apartment suitable for me direct and discreet category.
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Capital Federal, zone Palermo, Argentina
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Beautiful lolita, super hot and extremely sexy... Dare it to live a unique fantasy!!! Participative bottom. I am very affectionate. I assure you to live an unforgettable and special moment with me! I am very cool and wait for you... Many kisses !!!
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Valencia, zone Valencia (Centro), España
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I am a new ts-girl, very kind and affectionate, who will make you have a very nice time in which I will make all your fantasies come true. Do not hesitate and send me a WhatsApp. Your question is not a bother. I look forward to your message. Kisses...
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I consider myself a sexy, sweet, patient and educated ts-girl with an overwhelming personality that makes me unique and exclusive. Come meet me!!
23 pictures 2 videos New ad!
Capital Federal, zone Palermo, Argentina
Available Full Time
Celeste Santiagueña
Beautiful lolita !!! Get ready to meet me and enjoy your best moment!!! I have shocking curves and my body will make you burn with pleasure... My building is discreet and I have an intercom, I wait for you upstairs dressed as you prefer ready to please all your fantasies ... kisses!
+99 pictures 74 videos I am back!
Capital Federal, zone Microcentro, Argentina
Available from 8 to 22 hs.
Several payments methods
Gala Sex
The best vibes as always! Service with good treatment, a good environment with hygiene. Good attention, bar service. Total discretion. Make all your fantasies come true and relax like never before. The idea is that you come back for more. I wait for you. Kisses...
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Several payments methods
Tamara Queen
Hello ! I'm back, if you already know me you know how I am... an top, bottom, super complete ts-girl, willing to make you spend a pleasant moment, not only sexual but with previous talk, have good chemistry sex. It's not just sex ... it's about understanding well, relaxing, trying to have that chemistry with my clients... Who wants to know me, just call me and I will inform him well please ... If you don't know the area, don't waste your time or make me waste mine, thanks.
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Rafael Castillo, zone Oeste (GBA), Argentina
Available from 10 to 22 hs.
Turkish massage with soap foam. Unique, relaxing, fresh and revitalizing experience. Variety of massages, sports, decontracting and tantric massages. Hygiene and comfort. Shower, toilet. Relaxation massages... Participation. Versatile and complete. Only payment method: Cash (Argentine pesos). I do not accept credit cards or virtual accounts. Absolute reserve and privacy. Exclusivity without intermediaries. Personal and exclusive attention. Service at a hotel in my area. Jacuzzi suite to be coordinated. 2 options for your pleasure and fantasy.
26 pictures I perform massages
Capital Federal, zone Pompeya, Argentina
Available from 15 to 21 hs.
Hello ! I am exactly as in the pictures, 100% female. I am very affectionate, always willing to any kind of proposals. I love boyfriend style kisses ... I await your call to meet us... kisses
+99 pictures 27 videos
Capital Federal, zone Palermo, Argentina
Available from 16 to 3 hs.
Paula Saez
EXPERT IN BEGINNERS! My workplace is completely safe, meeting all the protection, hygiene and care requirements (my place is absolutely disinfected) I'm not Alice but I know very well how to take you to Wonderland... Hello! I am Paula Sáez... exclusive high standing trans... Luxury professional escort... My service is complete... active and passive according to your preference... I have soft and delicate skin and a super exquisite aroma that you can never forget. I AM AN EXPERT IN BEGINNERS, I know how to patiently and delicately take you to the correct positions so that you achieve pleasant relaxation and thus, in this way, you can fulfill the role you most desire, I am the perfect image for your fantasies... I characterize myself as being fun, spontaneous, always with good energy... I adore people who spread good vibes and above all as a good Aquarian I am very sexual... Dare to discover my most forbidden pleasures, I'm sure you'll try me and you'll come back for more ... If you entered my profile, it's because I surely caught you with my photos... Don't leave for tomorrow the desire you have for me today. They say that sex lengthens life, come and I will make you immortal. I'll wait for you! I also do VIRTUAL SERVICES, video calls, sexting, hot and erotic chat, sale of content, pack of very hot videos, check tariffs. 💗
+99 pictures 30 videos Updated data!
Capital Federal, zone Microcentro, Argentina
Available Full Time
Several payments methods
Hello. What you will read next is what you never read: I am a professional sex worker with confidence, determination and determination, I do full-body massages on a professional level. During your visit you will be treated with respect and kindness, there will be kisses, caresses. I remind you that for it to be successful you must put your heart into it. If you are an insecure, fearful, low testosterone type, who has little money and who is a businessman in a hurry, DO NOT CALL ME. You pay for the full pizza, my job too. DO NOT call me if you are looking for FRIENDSHIP. MY FRIENDS I choose them. If you can with all this is that you are a man of high value, call me then! Thanks! Also available in Buenos Aires city.
37 pictures 16 videos I perform massages
San Miguel, zone Norte (GBA), Argentina
Available Full Time
Several payments methods
Hello. I am a professional masseuse, reflexologist, massage therapist and esthetician. I'll wait for you in my own office with all the comfort, tranquility and the best vibes to leave you feeling like new... You have a shower service upon entry as well as at the end of the massage. Good music and air-conditioned atmosphere. I only answer calls with a profile photo. I'll wait for you…
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Capital Federal, zone Almagro, Argentina
Available from 10 to 21 hs.
Several payments methods
Sexy bomb girl! Super horny, pleasant little whore looking forward to making you feel the richest sensation of your life! Sweetly bottom and wildly top!!! Don't hesitate to call me and enjoy to the fullest!!! Wet kisses...
+99 pictures 6 videos I am back!
Lanús, zone Sur (GBA), Argentina
Available Full Time
Hello. I am a very calm, pleasant girl, I really enjoy a good foreplay. I like that you come to spend a nice time together. I am preferably passive but obviously we can play anything 😉. So without further ado, I suggest you come and meet me... You won't regret it😋😘😋. PS: I prefer the mature ones, it's just a matter of taste. 💋
+99 pictures 67 videos
Capital Federal, zone Microcentro, Argentina
Available Full Time
Several payments methods
Sabrina Antonella
Hello. I'm Sabrina. A ts-girl with very good vibes to start with. I fulfill fantasies, fetishes and more. I am morbidly affectionate and have no problem with time, I adapt to all babies...
8 pictures 9 videos
Quilmes, zone Sur (GBA), Argentina
Available Full Time
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Luz Bombón
Expert with beginners. Top & bottom Powerful penetrator! Come and enjoy my endowmnent of 19 x 4 cm!!! Ready to start you without pain and with much pleasure... I receive you alone with total discretion in my department. Many kisses !!!
30 pictures
Capital Federal, zone Pompeya, Argentina
Available Full Time
Hello my sweet! I am a super top, super gifted 22 x 6, thick, big-headed and very tough. Big eggs, high spout and lots of milk. Very sweet, smooth and very calm. Very hot, cuddly and very fiery. Especially for gourmand mouths and banker tails. Absolute discretion and excellent comments. Guaranteed service. Excellent comments and references. I wait for you!!!
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Capital Federal, zone Microcentro, Argentina
Available Full Time
Several payments methods
Sofía J.
Super sexy and very passionate... Top - Bottom, totally versatile! Full attention. I think to make you feel like no one ever did... You will live a moment of intense passion and lust with me! I am very soft, affectionate, clear eyes, I am very cool... I'm waiting for you... Many kisses !!!
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Capital Federal, zone Montserrat, Argentina
Available Full Time
The idea is to have a pleasant moment, totally pleasurable for both of you. I am super nice and above all good ts-girl. They discover the rest...
25 pictures 2 videos
Tortuguitas, zone Norte (GBA), Argentina
Available from 10 to 1 hs.
Hello, I want to give you the best pleasure with my super complete service. I wait for you on my whatsapp to give you more information and that we can have a super delicious moment. I also sell photos and videos.
85 pictures 60 videos
Pilar, zone Norte (GBA), Argentina
Available Full Time
Several payments methods
Estefanía López
Funny and very cool. I like to make all your fantasies come true, I am very happy, I encourage everything. The service that I render is the best, as bottom and top the best. What are you waiting for? Do not hesitate, come to meet me and have a very nice moment full of passion. Kisses.
42 pictures 73 videos
Capital Federal, zone Palermo, Argentina
Available Full Time
Several payments methods
Super nice ... I let myself be carried away to total pleasure! Willing to please all your fantasies. Do not hesitate to call me and we will have a great time...
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Lomas de Zamora, zone Sur (GBA), Argentina
Available Full Time
Tu Nena
Hello loves. I am a new ts-girl, submissive, with a big ass willing to make all your fantasies come true. My treatment is girlfriend style. I have my own place. I wait for you so that together we can have the best of times and can't wait to come back for more... Kisses.
76 pictures 33 videos
S. S. de Jujuy, zone Jujuy (Centro), Argentina
Available Full Time
Several payments methods
Hello love how are you?. My name is Miky, I am a 21-year-old trans girl. I do domination services, kinks, fantasies at your time and without haste. I'll wait for you. Kisses…
50 pictures 16 videos
Mar del Plata, zone Mar del Plata (Centro), Argentina
Available Full Time
Lara Julieta
I am a very sweet, patient and loving ts-girl. My attention is girlfriend style. I'll wait for you in my air-conditioned apartment to have the best of times. I give tongue kisses, black kisses and I perform masturbation. If you have any questions or for more info, do not hesitate to contact me. Kisses.
33 pictures 33 videos
Zárate, zone Villa Carmencita, Argentina
Available from 10 to 22 hs.
Zaren Activa
I am a little ts-girl super feminine with soft and well-groomed skin, beautiful hair, fingernails and well-groomed feet. A 25 year old girl, I have an excellent boyfriend style treatment with kisses, caresses, black kisses and lots of milk. I fulfill your fantasies. I will wait for you super sexy and dressed for the occasion. Top Bottom, decomplicated. I like parties. Threesomes with women, men and ts-girls. I make transformations. Fantasies, sado. For any further information call me or write me by Telegram. Kisses. Also available in Almagro.
+99 pictures 8 videos
Capital Federal, zone Balvanera, Argentina
Available Full Time
Several payments methods
Hello. I am a ts-girl and I offer to you a very full service, that you like. I am very top. I do not send photos. Exclusive attention to men. Fantasies - Parties - Bachelor parties - Endowment: 21 x 5 cm. I wait for you very anxious to spend a warm and unequaled moment. Dare to enjoy like never before !!! Kisses.
48 pictures 13 videos
Capital Federal, zone Boedo, Argentina
Available from 8 to 22 hs.
I am a beautiful and passionate blonde ts-girl, pure fire... ready to fall in love! Fantasies, toys ... and eager to play with you! Independent Escort - High Tariffs. Do you dare to pamper me? I await your call ... Kisses !!!
93 pictures 1 videos
Capital Federal, zone Microcentro, Argentina
Available Full Time
Several payments methods
Hello my loves, I am known on the web page for my comments of affectionate and very horny babe. I don't care if you're chubby, skinny, ugly or handsome... I give you the treatment you deserve! Pleasure is guaranteed for the role you prefer. Zero problems and willing to give you my best since I do not use hormones. You will always find me in a good mood and willing to fulfill your fantasies... Without hurry or problems I do not use the cell phone when I am with you since I respect 100% the time I offer you. I assure you that I will leave you without milk and satisfied! Attention to men. Participative active men and gay couples.
+99 pictures 23 videos
Capital Federal, zone Balvanera, Argentina
Available from 13 to 22 hs.
Beautiful blonde with an incredible figure!!! Very affectionate and sensual baby... Super soft &horny... 1st level. Now you will fulfill your fantasies. I hope to meet you soon so you can enjoy as you always dreamed... I DO NOT SERVE PEOPLE WHO CONSUME ALCOHOL OR DRUGS. Kisses!
+99 pictures 50 videos New pics & vids!
Capital Federal, zone Balvanera, Argentina
Available Full Time
I am a very tender and sensual brunette! I want you to enjoy how good I am in sex, the most horny and funniest doll!!! I fulfill all your fantasies... Kisses!
+99 pictures 10 videos
Ramos Mejía, zone Oeste (GBA), Argentina
Available Full Time
Camila I.
I am an top - bottom babe, horny and super versatile! I fulfill all kinds of fantasy and I am willing to do everything. I am very sweet and cuddly, I will make you enjoy to the fullest! Full domination, white and golden showers, tongue kisses and black kisses. Absolute discretion and good treatment, no hurry. I await your call ... kisses !!!
50 pictures 10 videos
Capital Federal, zone Liniers, Argentina
Available Full Time
Several payments methods
Pía Love
Hello I'm new 🥰 🥰 I am super passive and super active. The role you like the most... I'm in my own apartment waiting for you to have a great time together! I love video calls with men and that we end up together 🤤 😍 😍 😍 😍 Talk later? 💖 💖 💖
55 pictures 6 videos
Capital Federal, zone Microcentro, Argentina
Available Full Time
Several payments methods
I am willing to do everything, I fulfill all your fantasies. The smile characterizes me. I will make you enjoy in such a way that you cannot believe it. Fine and delicate and super feminine. VIP level I wait for you to spend a warm and unforgettable moment, enjoy each other. Kisses…
22 pictures 1 videos
Grand Bourg, zone Norte (GBA), Argentina
Available from 12 to 21 hs.
Several payments methods
Find the sexual madness that very few can offer and achieve. I am a young girl from Tucuman with a beautiful body. I am here to give you the best of me. A lot of passion and sex, I am a very pretty brunette. My lips are for kissing you as much as you like. I can stay with you relaxation and rest but also with passion and seduction. I invite you to an experience of contrasts that you will surely love to repeat. I have what you could ask for sexual services. Super full and addictive. You can call me if you want the same as me. A big kiss.
50 pictures 20 videos
Capital Federal, zone Palermo, Argentina
Available Full Time
La Nena Dinamita
La Nena Dinamita has arrived for real encounters. I am new to the area. Exclusively people of good taste. With me you will spend a moment full of pleasure and relaxation. I am willing to please you. I'll wait for you…
22 pictures 7 videos I am back!
Capital Federal, zone Microcentro, Argentina
Available Full Time
Several payments methods
Totally insatiable and very sweet lolita . Full service. Top - Bottom. Bar service. Air conditioner. I am very playful and I want to enjoy like never before! Attention to couples. Encourage to live something different, I wait for you ... Kisses !!!

 Instant Message
Amores volví. !!!! Estoy en Savedraa depto propio !!!!!! Discreción total ♥️🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂
79 pictures 6 videos
Capital Federal, zone Saavedra, Argentina
Available from 10 to 20 hs.
Several payments methods
Princesa Eliza
Hello love, welcome to my profile, I am a high-level top ts girl, with a lush body that explodes your most exciting fantasies ❤ ‍🔥 Tender redhead, super hot expert in beginners, BDSM, role change 😈 ⛓ FULL DOMINATRIZ⛓ Available for meetings in my apartment, also make outings❤️‍🔥 it will be an unforgettable experience 🌹 Do you want to see more of my content? Don't stay with the desire to see more, my uncensored porn videos for sale through Mercado Pago, I receive international payments through Western Union💰 write to me...
21 pictures 4 videos New ad!
Capital Federal, zone Palermo, Argentina
Available Full Time
Several payments methods

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